CompCams : 54-777-11
Artikelnr: COM54-777-11
The Best Possible Drop-In Cam For A Budget 5.3l Drift / Road Race / Drag Build With Spintron-Proven 7500 Rpm+ Stability. It Is A Good Idea To Replace The Timing Chain.- Advertised Exhaust Duration: 304 DD
- Advertised Intake Duration: 294 DD
- Assembly Lubricant Included: Yes
- Basic Operating RPM Range: 3000-7500 DD
- C.A.R.B. E.O. Number: N/A
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for California Certified Vehicles Manufactured Before 1965?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for Federally Certified Vehicles Manufactured Before 1967?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for Foreign Vehicles Manufactured Before 1967?: Yes, but must meet tailpipe emission standards for year of vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for On-Road Vehicles?: No
- C.A.R.B. Exempt for Racing and Off-Road Only Vehicles?: Yes, but must be a race/competition only vehicle.
- C.A.R.B. Exemption Reason: N/A
- Cam Type: Hydraulic Roller
- Camshaft Gear Attachment: 3-Bolt
- Camshaft Material: Billet Steel
- Camshaft Series: NSR Drift
- Engine Family: GM LS GEN III/IV 3-Bolt 8 Cylinder (1997-2015)
- Exhaust Duration at .050 inch Lift: 243 DD
- Exhaust Valve Lift: 0.541 IN
- Grind Number: 294LSD14
- Intake Duration at .050 Inch Lift: 233 DD
- Intake Valve Lift: 0.541 IN
- Lifter Type: Hydraulic Roller
- Lifters Included: No
- Lobe Separation: 114 DD
- Performance Description: The best possible drop-in cam for a budget 5.3L Drift / Road Race / Drag build with Spintron-proven 7500 RPM+ stability. It is a good idea to replace the timing chain.
- Recommended Cam Install Kit: 5621
- Recommended Valve Spring Kit/Part Number: 26906
- Title: NSR Drift 233/243 Hydraulic Roller Cam for GM LS GEN III/IV
- Usage: Race or Street/Strip
- Valve Springs Required: No, but recommended
- Make: Chevrolet
- Block type: LS
- Engine Family: GM LS GEN III/IV 3-Bolt 8 Cylinder (1997-2015)
- Type: Hydraulic
- Type: Roller Lifter
- Operating RPM From: 3000 RPM From
- Operating RPM to: 7500 RPM To
- Duration intake: 294 Duration intake
- Lift intake: 541 Lift intake
- Lift exhaust: 541 Lift exhaust