Gates : 33008S
Artikelnr: GTS33008S
Premium Engine Coolant Thermostat
Gates Premium Thermostats feature a heavy gauge stainless steel construction for improved corrosion resistance, as well as an upgraded spring for increased temperature stability under normal operation conditions.
- Design: Reverse Poppet
- Height: 1.7 IN
- Height Between Flanges: .84 IN
- Height from Flange (in): .86
- Includes Installation Tool: No
- Jiggle Pin Weep Hole: No
- Material: Stainless Steel, Copper
- Number of Gaskets: 0
- Number of Jiggle Pins/Check Valves: 0
- Number of Seals: 0
- Sealing Flange Outside Diameter: 2.13 IN
- Start to Open Temperature: 180 FA
- Start to Open Temperature: 82 CE
- Type: Premium Thermostat
- 0002036475:
- 0032032275:
- 105000106400:
- 1199784:
- 12TP1D:
- 13358:
- 133720:
- 133727:
- 133730:
- 1338041:
- 1366373:
- 1447384M1:
- 1853201M1:
- 1BA8575B:
- 2000-180: Motorad
- 2023-180:
- 2044-180: Motorad
- 205445C:
- 208336:
- 2120096002:
- 21200A3001:
- 21200A3005:
- 21200H7802:
- 21200P7900:
- 21200P7905:
- 21200V0100:
- 21200V0200:
- 21200V0201:
- 21200V0700:
- 2129205:
- 2465169:
- 28618:
- 3000-180:
- 3031507:
- 3033770:
- 3033780:
- 3041388:
- 3041425:
- 3041507:
- 3054129:
- 3054228:
- 3090427:
- 3126290:
- 3133594:
- 3133596:
- 3133598:
- 3133698:
- 3136185:
- 3136267:
- 313698:
- 3141726:
- 3149694:
- 3152521:
- 3153119:
- 3153120:
- 3156267:
- 315627:
- 3156270:
- 3156277:
- 3156279:
- 3156280:
- 3156283:
- 3156286:
- 33008S: NAPA Belts/Hose
- 331FHT:
- 3333594: Detroit Diesel
- 34108: Parts Master
- 34108: Stant
- 3418439:
- 3480303:
- 3512992:
- 3514173:
- 369320R91:
- 369321R91:
- 369322R91:
- 3749085:
- 3749086:
- 386525C1:
- 4025103:
- 4114132:
- 4131239:
- 4154312:
- 4513524:
- 45358: Stant
- 45358: SuperStat
- 455326C1:
- 5176503:
- 530080: NAPA
- 563311:
- 59358: Stant
- 60208: Carquest
- 644331FHT:
- 65358: Stant
- 684194:
- 6OBC85755483:
- 7324932:
- 74025103:
- 83501426:
- 8358061:
- 8389173:
- 8389272:
- 8942072170:
- 8966483:
- 94171816:
- 942072171:
- 94239159:
- 94336070:
- A0002036475:
- A0032032275:
- A8AZ8575B:
- AT10239T:
- AT10996T:
- AT22961:
- C2OE8575A:
- C2TZ8575A:
- C2UZ8575A:
- C2VE8575A:
- C3TZ8575A:
- C5AZ8575B:
- C5NE8575C:
- C5TE8575B:
- C5TZ8575A:
- C7TZ8575A:
- C8PJ8575A:
- D1FZ8575A:
- D1FZ8575B:
- D1TZ8575B:
- D2PJ8575GA:
- D2PJ8575RA:
- D2TE8575A:
- D2TE8575KA:
- D3JL8575A:
- D4PJ8575BA:
- D5PZ8575B:
- D5UZ8575A:
- EAF8575B:
- EBE8575B:
- F1HZ8575B:
- F1JL8575AA:
- F244K318:
- F601K302:
- F601K303:
- G11065:
- G45788:
- GTS104:
- GTS111:
- HP2000: Motorad
- J8126686:
- K66915171:
- K71015171:
- RE33705:
- STA45358: Replaced
- TH5483: